Things you need to know before entering HHF
Things you need to know before entering HHF.
Updated June 29, 2020
- You know HHF & SAC were ultra clean and sanitized prior to our temporary closure. Our high standards will continue indefinitely for our members continued safety and health.
- Members entering the building must first use the hand sanitizer dispensers in the vestibules before entering the lobby.
- Every member will thoroughly wipe down all ‘touch’ surfaces and seats used PRIOR TO and IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING use. NO SUPERSETTING, CIRCUIT TRAINING or BOUNCING FROM MACHINE TO MACHINE without wiping between the use of each piece before moving on to the next machine will be permitted until further notice. NO ‘WORKING IN’ without wiping handles (touch spots) between member use.
- Additional ‘Sanitation Stations’ have been installed through the facilities and are well marked.
- There are blue arrows on the floor directing a flow of foot traffic and as a right of way where not possible to pass without 6 foot distancing and should be adhered to in every circumstance except in cases of emergency where we must quickly exit the building.
- Staff & members need to wear masks in common areas when 6 foot distancing is not possible. All staff have been trained using the CDC guidelines and are there to help you our valued members to adjust to the new procedures.
- Locker rooms, including showers, will be open. Saunas will be closed until further notice per state order.
- Childcare will not be available until further notice.
- Class and workout attendance is by appointment and is as simple as a few clicks of the mouse through our website. Since we currently have limited attendance due to social distancing guidelines, If you reserve a spot in a class and can’t make it please call the club asap so we can open it up to other members
- No members should enter the club that:
- Have any symptoms of Covid-19 or any other infectious illness.
- Have a temperature of 100.4 or greater.
- Has been in close contact in the last 14 days with ANY individual who has Covid-19.
- Has traveled in the past 14 days either internationally, by cruise ship, or by plane, train or bus outside of NH, VT or ME.
- Water fountains are disabled per state order. Bring your own water or purchase from our cooler for ½ price during this time.
- Members are encouraged to arrive ready to work out wearing exercise clothing and sneakers to minimize time spent in the facility.
- Towel service is back but towels can only be handled by the member after use and must be placed in the towel receptacle after use by the member.
- The club will no longer provide yoga mats so please bring your own preferably with your name on it.
- Seating has been minimized and should be used by members only when absolutely necessary and disinfected after use by the member.
- We love to hear about your life and socialize with our members, but this will have to wait a bit longer. So please, no loitering, workouts only at this time…. you know we love yah!
- The main entrance will be used for solely that, entering. All members exiting the building should use one of the two side doors in Hampstead, the downstairs handicapped exit in Salem.
- We are not taking our enhanced rules and regulations lightly. Any member not following ANY of the safety measures we have put in place will be reminded/warned to follow policy. The second discussion will be the termination of membership and a 3-month ban from both of our facilities. We do not want to do this so PLEASE follow these important rules.